South Island Chrism Mass

Come along to a special Holy Week Mass at which the sacred oils used in sacraments throughout the year, and throughout the Archdiocese, are consecrated. Everyone is welcome!

Forum on Housing Workshop

St Bernadette's Naenae

Forum on Housing workshop sponsored by the Ecology Justice and Peace Commission. 10am-3pm Saturday 29 March, St Bernadette’s Church Hall, Naenae. Adequate housing, a place to call home, is fundamental...

South Island Chrism Mass

St. Mary's Star of the Sea 61 Maxwell Road, Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand

Come along to a special Holy Week Mass at which the sacred oils used in sacraments throughout the year, and throughout the Archdiocese, are consecrated. Everyone is welcome!

North Island Chrism Mass

Sacred Heart Cathedral Wellington

Come along to a special Holy Week Mass at which the sacred oils used in sacraments throughout the year, and throughout the Archdiocese, are consecrated. Everyone is welcome!

Love is a Decision course – 8 & 15 June. Registrations essential.

St Catherine's College, Wellington

Limited spaces available - register here: The 'Love is a Decision' programme is presented in six sessions over a period of two full Sundays in November. The exercises reflect...