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Forum on Housing Workshop
March 29 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Forum on Housing workshop sponsored by the Ecology Justice and Peace Commission. 10am-3pm Saturday 29 March, St Bernadette’s Church Hall, Naenae.
Adequate housing, a place to call home, is fundamental to living a life of dignity. The Forum on Housing will build on last year’s foundations with a workshop to identify actions to build awareness, foster collaboration, address system level issues, and provide practical community support. This workshop is for everyone concerned about housing issues. The Workshop will be facilitated by Chris Glaudel, Deputy Chief Executive, Community Housing Aotearoa.
For more information, please contact Deirdre Meskill, d.meskill@wn.catholic.org.nz; phone: 04 385 8642. A contribution of finger food to share for lunch is appreciated.