Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Young doings in the Grove


Antonia McBryde
4 October 2012

Marist Young Adult Ministry (MYAM) has been alive among young people in Wellington for more than a decade enriching the charism of the Marist Brothers which includes mission to young people.

When we celebrated 10 years of presence here last year the guest list was a who’s who of the Wellington Catholic young adult scene with representatives from many different groups across the archdiocese.

MYAM’s activities include regular, open prayer sessions, fellowship nights, outreach activities and occasional programmes on topics of interest.

However, MYAM’s initial and most widely recognised engagement has been in providing an opportunity for community life to young people. Marist Brothers have shared their lives and faith with young people in the Lower Hutt MYAM community, The Grove, where young people aged 19-35 spend a calendar year with around four other young people and two or three Marist Brothers.

The life in community provides an opportunity to grow in faith, fellowship and understanding and introduces and deepens familiarity with the foundation, charism and mission of the Marist Brothers.

MYAM is committed to making Jesus known and loved to and by young adults. It is also committed to growing to meet young people where they are.

If you are interested in being part of a MYAM community in 2013 and sharing in a year-long commitment to growing in community, faith and yourself, contact Brother Kieran or Brother Doug on (04) 972 6926 for more information.

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