WelCom October 2022
Young people came from all over the archdiocese to gather and celebrate a Young Church Mass in August, hosted by Life Teen Petone at Sacred Heart Church and celebrated by Cardinal John Dew.
Although Covid had disrupted plans to hold Young Church Mass for a year over 50 teenagers came to share in the Mass making it one of the largest turnouts for Young Church Mass since 2019. They came from United Youth, Life Teen Wellington, Chanel College, Our Lady of Kāpiti Youth and Sacred Heart College and they packed the church.
‘I’m so happy so many people came and got to see what we do,’ said Anita, a Life Teen Petone leader. ‘I’m proud of our team and the teens for putting this together.’
Louise Lloyd, Young Church Coordinator for the Archdiocese Church Mission team said, ‘We can’t wait to join again for our next Young Church Mass on Sunday 20 November to celebrate World Youth Day – on the Sunday of the Feast of Christ the King.
Contact Louise at youth@wn.catholic.org.nz if you wish to host a Young Church Mass in your parish or serve during the Mass.