WelCom May 2024
Catholic Women’s League Conference, hosted in Naenae by the Lower Hutt Branch, was attended by 32 women over the weekend of 15–16 March.
Led by CWL Chaplain Christine Paterson, the conference began with a welcome and a reflection about the Church and CWL changes and adaptations through the past 80 years.
The AGM and election of new and returning officers affirmed the Archdiocesan President’s position will be a shared between Patricia O’Connor and Susan Lloyd.
In her report, Susan Lloyd outlined her attendance at CWLANZ Board monthly Zoom meetings and twice-yearly face-to-face meetings. She spoke enthusiastically about the annual World Day of Prayer in March as an important ecumenical event.
Conference highlights included National President Sylvia Mellish’s presentation about the Synodal process. Members were delighted to hear the CWLANZ would contribute to discussions for October 2024. An immediate follow-up to Sylvia’s address was to organise a Café Meeting to submit a response to the Synodal questions she presented.
National Mission Officer Joan Lawn spoke about her recent trip to Tonga and the needs of people there especially following the volcanic explosion in 2022.
Guest speaker Joy Cowley spoke about ‘The Pros and Cons of Priests Being Able to Marry’ and ‘Feminine Spirituality’.
Further highlights were the presentation of certificates and badges by Susan and Sylvia, which acknowledged members’ service and commitment to CWL; and at the conference dinner when long-time members Kath Cain and Kathi George cut the celebration cake.
At the Conference Mass all deceased members over the past 80 years were remembered, and especially those called to eternal rest during this past year.
The conference ended as it began with a reflection led by Christine Paterson.
Source: Adriann Smith and Christine Paterson