WelCom April 2022

World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement, led by Christian women, and celebrated on the first Friday of March each year.
World Day of Prayer encourages Christian women to join in prayer and to help raise awareness of the lives and concerns of others throughout the world, for peace and justice.
Every year, a different country’s national committee, made up of representatives of the participating denominations, prepares the theme and service, which is shared throughout the world.
The service this year was prepared by the WDP committee in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the theme was ‘I Know the Plans I Have for You’.
In Blenheim, about 50 people attended the World Day of Prayer ecumenical service on 4 March, hosted at the Methodist Wesley Centre. The group raised $272, which will go towards Christian World Service, Bible Society and the Interchurch Council for Hospital Chaplaincy in New Zealand.
Taiwan’s WDP committee is preparing the World Day of Prayer service for 2023 with the theme ‘I Have Heard about Your Faith’. St Mary’s Catholic Church will host the 2023 ecumenical service for Blenheim.