The Election Forum was held on Tuesday 2 September and is available on YouTube if you missed the livestream. Young people of the Archdiocese questioned political party representatives about their environmental and climate change policies, with the discussion chaired by Dr Areti Metuamate of Te Kupenga – Catholic Leadership Institute and an opening address by Cardinal John Dew.
For more information, see article below or please contact Lisa Beech – Ecology, Justice and Peace Advisor, 0212884388
WelCom August 2020
Hear the cry of the Earth

Mons Gerard Burns
How do we care for the environment? How do we listen to the cry of the earth? How do we care for our planet as a society, together?
This is the background of a pre-election forum organised in preparation for New Zealand’s general election in September. The Archdiocese of Wellington Ecology, Justice and Peace commission is inviting spokespersons on climate change and environment from the major political parties to respond to questions put by youth around concerns for care of the earth. The date for this event is September 1 – World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Cardinal John Dew will begin the event with a karakia and opening address.
The time and date is 6pm–8pm; Tuesday, 1 September 2020.
The venue is St Mary’s College Hall, 15 Guildford Tce (off Hill St), Thorndon, Wellington.
The questions to the speakers will be put by school- and young-adult representatives involved in the School Strike 4 Climate movement. The date has been chosen because it is also the beginning of a six-week period of prayer, practice, advocacy and action called the ‘Season of Creation’. This season runs from September 1 until October 4, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi.
As well as the urgency of the climate crisis, part of the background for this event is Pope Francis’ 2015 letter Laudato si’: On Care of Our Common Home. Five years on, the concerns he speaks to have deepened. Young people are well-informed about these questions, which are especially affecting their futures. We all want to know what actions the new government will take after the election.
There are many important questions to be considered for the general election but the possibilities and need of concerted action for our climate and environment have been further highlighted by the current Covid-19 pandemic crisis.
You can register for the event at
Registation is required for Covid-19 tracing. Attendance is limited to 250 people. For more information contact: Estelle ph: 027 3123200 or Nick ph: 021 1571557.
For pre-forum light refreshments at the hall please bring your own cup.