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Want to help and don’t know how? Put YOU in a Youth House!!!

Pictured second and third from left are: Nicole Simson who leads our Lyall Bay House; and Anna Hoskins who is a tutor volunteer at our Island Bay Youth House; with Challenge whānau members. Photo: Supplied

WelCom February 2018: Challenge 2000 was founded in 1988 as a faith-based, social-work agency to work throughout the Wellington region ‘to support young people to develop and achieve their potential and for older people to serve and thrive among families and communities’.

Today, 30 years later, we continue to expand our mission as a local youth initiative through a range of programmes. Included are our ‘Challenge 2000 Youth Houses’, which reflect our faith and gospel commitment to build communities of love, hope and service.

With support from the Society of Mary and the Sisters of Mercy, we have five youth houses in the southern suburbs of Wellington. The houses each provide a positive, safe, whānau environment where young people and young adults can live and build community. All the youth-house members care for their house, learn to cook, care for themselves and others and also contribute to the well-being of the community through service and participation.

Our Challenge Youth Houses are run by committed leaders – married couples, single people, university students and volunteers – who want to make a difference. Each community offers care to two to three young people who are seeking better educational opportunities or employment in Wellington, or need time out or a safe place to call home.

This year we invite others to join this project. Can you help? Would you like to live in one of these houses? Support those who run them? Provide meals or teach others to cook and budget? Tutor or mentor as a ‘big brother’ or ‘big sister’? Sponsor a young person? If you would like to find out more or be involved please call Viv 021 920-048 or Kitty 021 491-459 or email Visit our website: to learn more.

Our Challenge 2000 philosophy is that ‘love works’ sooner or later.

So with a lot of that, enthusiasm for young people, the support of a generous community and a bit of knowledge and professionalism all things are possible. We’re committed to responding to the Gospel by working with people in the search for social justice, social responsibility and personal dignity.

Kitty McKinley

Kitty McKinley MNZM is Challenge 2000’s founder and project manager.

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