WelCom May 2023
Helen Barlow
Waipatu Māori Catholic Club,are a local group, generally based out at Waipatu Marae, north of Hastings, and we are about to celebrate our 75th birthday. We too are the organisers for our annual hui aranga for 2024 to be held here in Heretaunga or Napier. We are currently looking to secure a venue.
A hui aranga is a Catholic gathering held at Easter to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This event was established over 75 years ago and is held at many different locations in Aotearoa. The event has been held here in Hawke’s Bay at several locations such as Te Aute College, Karamu High School, Flaxmere College, Colenso College, Tomoana Showgrounds and further afield in Wairoa.
The Waipatu Māori Catholic Club have followed this event since its conception.
We are looking to reconnect and to connect with those organisations where we can make future bonds in sharing and strengthening of our Catholic Faith, not just in our future hui aranga but the local events of the area.
We have just recently returned from our 2023 Easter hui aranga celebrations hosted by Te Puna Tauranga moana at Te Puna, in the Bay of Plenty.
With the responsibility of running a hui aranga, comes the caring of a treasure (taonga) that we describe as the essence (mauri) – the statue of Our Lady Mary the Mother of Jesus. Every Tuesday at 7pm, we gather as a club and a family to pray the Rosary in Her presence. This is presently being held at 9 Burton Cres, Flaxmere. You are all welcome to join with us. I must make mention we are not all Catholic. We have been open to any and all other followings you may belong to.
A path we would like to strengthen is the First Holy Communion for our members and those who need to make this Sacrament. Also to teach those willing followers to learn more and to draw nearer to our Catholic Church and our Catholic Faith and its teachings.
And, we are often followers at the Immaculate Conception Pakipaki.
To connect with Helen Barlow, outreach Community Correspondent for Waipatu Māori Catholic Club, please email Helen at kairakau12@gmail.com