WelCom October 2022
Students from all eight Catholic colleges in the archdiocese gathered for the 28th annual Vinnies Mass, at St Patrick’s College chapel in Wellington on Sunday 18 September, to celebrate the works of the St Vincent de Paul Society.
The Mass was an opportunity to appreciate the work done at the various schools to support the Vinnies through fund-raising, replenishing foodbanks and support for the annual street-day appeals.
Around 100 young and older Vinnies, principals, teachers, parents were at the Mass. The first to arrive were the students from Chanel College, Masterton, who travelled the longest distance.
Frs Matt Crawford sm and Hayden Powick sm concelebrated Mass. Fr Hayden gave an enlightening homily on service and stewardship, social justice and the Society of St Vincent de Paul. They blessed and presented badges to the Vinnies for their committed service and outreach in the community.
The president of the Seatoun St Vincent de Paul Conference, Andrew Bridgeman, thanked the teachers and Vinnies for their work and invited the students to carry on their service after they left school. ‘Even small acts of charity nourish faith,’ he said.
The first annual Mass was celebrated 30 years ago by St Patrick’s College priest Fr Peter McAfee with St Pat’s Town, St Mary’s and St Catherine’s Colleges represented.
Lunch followed Mass with thanks going to Maria Elenio, the Vinnies from St Patrick’s along with principal Mike Savali and support teacher Lucy McLeod for hosting and welcoming Vinnies to the Mass.