WelCom May 2024
Eddie Dickson
St Vincent de Paul Kapi-Mana region members celebrated with a festival meeting and commissioning ceremony at Our Lady of Kāpiti Church, Paraparaumu on 23 February.
The Kāpiti SVdP Conferences – Tawa, Plimmerton, Kāpiti, Ōtaki and Levin – gathered for a day of prayer and spiritual reflection, self-development and meeting the needs of the communities we serve.
Workshops enabled personal involvement with a range of issues. These included our connection and use of agencies structured to help those in need; how to seek support from funding agencies; use of Te Reo and Tikanga in our meetings and work; and our involvement with refugee families.
Our SVdP Spiritual Director Fr Alan Roberts led the Commissioning Mass. He invited new or renewing Vincentians to make their promises and he blessed the 52 Vincentian attendees.
Aroha and koreroero was shared with kai. Paraparaumu parish priest, Fr Raymond Soriano led grace and supported our day.