Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Unleashing the writer

Two creative women with many years experience and flair in their respective fields are featuring at the Josephite Retreat Centre, Whanganui, in the next few weeks.

Gabrielle Daly-Fong from the Hamilton Diocese presented a day on Saturday 14 April entitled ‘The Moving Finger Writes…’. Participants spent a day of tender, quiet and delightful intimacy with God, seeking and finding ‘divine company’, not merely as an extra, more as a holy habit. She promises a special time to meet this loving, enfolding and forgiving God on the journal page and in the quiet of our meditative hearts. Gabrielle is currently employed by the Hamilton Diocese with the Spiritual Direction Ministry, is a creative therapist/counsellor and restorative justice facilitator.

Those wishing to delve into Spirituality in NZ Verse get the opportunity to spend an interactive day, Saturday 19 May, with Hazel Menehira, local Whanganui (and also Queensland) poet, writer, actor and journalist. She will explore spirituality revealed in NZ verse, both past and present, take time to open up to the spiritual creative source that exists in everyone, drawing on the craft of the hidden poet in participants.

To register, or for more information contact Karen, 06 345 5047, email ssjadmin@ Both days run from 10am – 3pm, $20.

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