WelCom November 2023
The Archdiocese of Wellington’s Tuākana youth ministers recently gave end-of-year presentations to diocesan staff about their journeys throughout the year. The Tuākana have been based at Wellington area Catholic colleges throughout the school year to journey alongside and support students in their faith.
The presentations showcased activities such as facilitating and supporting school retreats, school Masses, events, YAFA, O’Shea Shield, social issues, prayer and religious education studies, and more.
The Tuākana highlighted strengths they brought to their respective roles in response to needs within their school. Timothy Ale set up a boy’s support group that met regularly throughout the year. Nick Meli created a space for students to celebrate their faith through creativity, making art or videos. Sofia Mendoza helped with events organised by students such as the Mission Group. Nia Foliaki, in her second year as a Tuākana, also focused on being present in her schools’ extracurrircular activities including sport. Their shared experience was ‘showing up for students, being present for them, and being real’.
Tuākana applications for 2024 are open with paid part-time opportunities across Wellington and Nelson. Email Louise at youth@wn.catholic.org.nz for an application form and further information.