WelCom April 2024
Three new youth ministers have been appointed as Tuākana (youth ministers) to Catholic colleges in Wellington for the archdiocese’s 2024 Youth Minister programme. They are Sabrina Brown and Alysse Saipani, at St Catherine’s College, Kilbirnie; and Sarah Beamish at Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt.
They join Nick Meli who is at Bishop Viard College, Porirua and Timothy Ale at Chanel College, Masterton. Nick and Timothy are continuing their roles from last year.

Sabrina Brown, St Catherine’s College
Talofa Lava, the Tuakana role was introduced to me by my former RE teacher at St Mary’s College. In my spare time I enjoy time with my family and I love to play sports. I’m really looking forward to getting to know the girls and the staff and working alongside them making 2024 an enjoyable and fun year. My goal is to help form stronger relationships between the students and teachers and to build the sisterhood at St Catherine’s.

Alysse Saipani, St Catherine’s College
Talofa and Kia Ora. I am excited to build bonds with the students and be a support person who the students are able to talk to and find a guiding light through their spirituality and faith. My hopes for this year are to create a place of comfort and peace for the students to grow and either start or continue their journey in finding themselves. I can’t wait to work alongside the students at St Catherine’s college and see where this path will take us. Fa’afetai lava and God bless.

Sarah Beamish, Sacred Heart College
I really enjoy working in the youth ministry space and I’m excited to start this role. This will be a great opportunity for me to lead the students closer to Jesus and hopefully play my part in sending them out into the community with Catholic values and a love for Jesus and others.