WelCom November 2024
Timothy Ross Faith of Ōtaki died on 20 September 2024. ‘Tim’ was a well-known personality, especially for his 33 years’ service at the local New World.
Tim lived with Down syndrome but he worked hard to master his job, taking his task very seriously, making sure people returned their trolleys and helping people with their groceries. It was his first and only job.
Tim was born and raised in Ōtaki as the youngest of four children to Marie and Paul Faith. He lived with his mother at the Te Horo property that has been in the family for decades. His father died several years ago.
Tim went to kindergarten in Ōtaki and was briefly at St Peter Chanel School before joining a special needs class at Levin School, and later Waiopehu College also in Levin.
Tim retired from his job at New World’s a couple of years ago, after the Covid pandemic forced him to stay at home.
Tim was a sensitive person and would assist anyone who needed help with their shopping bags. That sensitivity showed one day at the races. Coming from a family well known for racing, Tim would don his binoculars and follow the horses. One day a horse fell. Tim anxiously went to the assembly area to ensure the jockey was alright.
Another area he enjoyed being part of was the Special Olympics. His bedside was bedecked with medals and certificates, especially for swimming. He was a special fan of the Hurricanes and Lions.
Tim was involved in various occasions in the community. He dressed as Santa for the Christmas party and had perfected his ‘Ho, Ho, Ho’!
As a Down Syndrome person, his long life (till 54) testifies to the love and care of his family, especially his mother and sister.
Tim was very engaged in his faith community of Pukekaraka, Ōtaki. He
was so loved by his family, the church community, and the Ōtaki community and he was blessed that God chose the Faiths to be his family to be surrounded by so much love.
Tim loved songs and music and would spend hours listening, singing and dancing. He loved ABBA, in particular the song ‘I Have a Dream’. He knew all the words. Perhaps the words from this final song he sang provide a blessing for him. ‘I Have a Dream, a song to sing. To help me cope, with anything.’
Sources: Community of Pukekaraka Ōtaki, Hātā Mere | St Mary’s Church; Ōtaki Today.

Parish priest Fr Alan Roberts led the Requiem for Tim Hope, concelebrated by Fr Phil Cody sm and Fr Peter Healy sm. The following is from Fr Alan’s homily.
Tim Faith has a history in this town that everyone admires so much. His dedication to sport, his working at New World for over 30 years, his commitment to his faith community. What a wonderful life he has had.
Sunday after Sunday after ringing the bell calling us all to silence, Tim carried the cross into our Mass. Simple gestures, yet profound in meaning.
It is as though Tim is saying to us in the ringing of the bell: ‘now is our time to give thanks to God. Keep a place for this in your life just as I do’. And, reminding us by taking up our cross in life, we find the path to happiness.
Those who face their difficulties, will rise above them. This is achieved in a far more fulfilling way when we realise God is at our side. With this knowledge we do what we have to do, with contentment, with peace and with joy. Tim reflected the joy found in the risen Jesus, perhaps, more than anyone I’ve known.
For those who recognise God as creator of the world, there is a saying: All is gift. Today, we are reminded Timothy Faith was a gift. A gift extraordinaire.
How many people, after coming to know and being inspired by Tim, have asked themselves deeper questions about the purpose of life and found an answer by observing his determination and his gift of doing well just ordinary simple tasks? But more importantly enjoying whatever he does. There is no doubt, Tim Faith was a gift who inspired us all.
To you Marie, along with your husband Paul and family, you have loved Tim into life. Your extraordinary love turned Tim into the beautiful person he was. Tim carried within himself those qualities handed down from you as parents. He became the treasure who inspired us all. For this we must be forever grateful. Thank you.
Now Tim’s race has been run. You know the rest of the story.