Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Theology on tap


Sharon Fernandes
4 October 2012

Faith in the 21st century requires new methods of understanding and propagation in this fast-paced society.

Theology on tap(TOT) is one way in which young people meet to hear teachings about Catholicism and Catholic doctrines in a relaxed environment with a couple of beers and open honest discussion.

Founded by Fr John Cusick almost 30 years ago in Chicago, TOT has spread all over the world and helps young people get serious about issues of faith and life in a social gathering.

St Mary of the Angels Young Adult Catholics (SMAYACs) brought the movement to Wellington in February 2010 and has featured a wide variety of topics at monthly gatherings throughout the year.

Fr Alliston Fernandes from ICPE spoke at the August 26 TOT on The Eucharist: the source and summit of Christian Life.

Fr Alliston explored the meaning of the Eucharist as a sacrament in the Catholic church and as a sacrifice that brings eternal life.

He explained how a disposition to the Eucharist was paramount in the reception of the body and blood of Christ and how the sacrificial event extends beyond time and place.

Issues related to the Eucharist as an intellectual and emotional phenomenon dominated the discussion which followed Fr Alliston’s address.
Students wanted to discuss further questions around the divine and human form of Christ and the results of living the Eucharist in their lives.

To find out more about Theology on Tap in Wellington, email St Mary of the Angels Young Adult Catholics.

Image: Relaxing over theology – the St Mary of a Angels Young Adult Catholics meet once a month for Theology on Tap.

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