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Te Rau Aroha hosts Te Rūnanga o te Hāhi Katorika ki Aōtearoa

WelCom November 2018:

Korty Wilson

Members of Te Rūnanga o te Hāhi Katorika ki Aotearoa gathered from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 September at Te Rau Aroha, the Palmerston North Diocesan Centre, for their third meeting this year.

Te Rūnanga was established to advise the late Bishop Tākuira Māriu (1952–2005) on Māori pastoral care. This advisory role is now provided to the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference.

Karakia and Kete Wairua (prayer and spirituality) opened the meeting where the poropititanga or prophecy of the kuia Mere Rikiriki Ropiha and her family’s Catholic influence in Rangitāne and Ngā Wairiki – Ngāti Apa was discussed. Other kōrero included the future direction of the Rūnanga.

Those present enjoyed being in Te Papaioea including Frazina Morunga and Billy Pōmare, the two members from the Auckland diocese on their first visit to Te Rau Aroha.

The weekend finished with Miha in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.

Korty Wilson, Palmerston North Diocesan Kaiwhakarite Māori Apostolate Co-ordinator.

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