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Synod 2017: ‘Listening and Journeying Together’

WelCom June 2017:

Everyone is invited to take part in the Synod 2017 participation process to contribute to the future direction of the Wellington Archdiocese for the next 10 years and beyond. Cardinal John would like to hear from you as part of this participation process.

‘I am always encouraged by the thought and time that so many of you give to your faith and to the local Church, and I know you have insights and ideas which will be valuable. Please put them forward,’ says Cardinal John.

On May 7, consultation got underway. The Synod Participation Booklet was distributed to all parishes.

Individuals and groups are invited to submit responses to the ten topics in the booklet:

Go, you are sent

…to find leaders (among lay people)

…to the peripheries of society (Pope Francis’ call to go to the edges of society, to the poor, to the marginalised, to the homeless and to those who struggle)

…to deepen our bicultural relationship (with tangata whenua)

…as members of the one Body of Christ (ethnic diversity)

…to your own peripheries (pastoral care of all in our communities)

…to refugees and migrants (being involved with new immigrants)

…to care for creation (guidance in Laudato Si’)

…to fellow Christians (relationships with other denominations)

…to accompany one another (young church)

…to support marriage and families (guidance Amoris Laetitia).

All submissions are due by Friday 30 June. Booklets are also on the Archdiocesan website:

Submissions are welcome from groups and individuals about any of the ten topics. The questions for each topic are in the booklet and are ‘starters’ to stimulate thought and reflection. When responding, people need not be limited by these questions.

Your input will help determine what will be considered during the Synod weekend, 15‒17 September, this year.

Cardinal John held Synod workshops at Richmond, Nelson, on Saturday 20 May and at Bishop Viard College, Porirua, on Saturday 27 May. He thanked everyone who attended these hui especially those who travelled long distances to participate.

The booklet describes the discernment process, which begins with prayer – karakia. For groups, this involves listening to one another. Listening is a critical part of the discernment process. Following this, each person shares their thoughts without interruption or comment from the other participants. It is about listening to what God is saying to each one of us – that is, to being present to the Holy Spirit and to each other.

‘We have many groups in our parishes and across the Archdiocese and it is my hope they will dedicate some of their meeting times to considering one or more of the topics for the Synod,’ says Cardinal John. ‘People who have already taken part in the process are reporting it has been very positive for their group. At the same time, we welcome individual responses because everyone has something to contribute from their own experience. I look forward to hearing from you over the next few weeks.’

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