WelCom May 2018:
Once a month Julie Barnett, Year 7–8 teacher at St Joseph’s School Taihape, uses the latest issue of WelCom to put together a quiz for her class. Julie, who has been constructing the newspaper quizzes since June 2014 when she moved into the senior class, explains the process.
Every month, as part of their homework, the senior class of Year 7 and 8 students at St Joseph’s School Taihape, take part in a quiz using content from the latest WelCom newspaper.
The idea behind the newspaper quiz was to get whānau engaged in WelCom alongside their children. Each month the newspaper was being sent home, but at times was being left in schoolbags or recycled without being opened. Creating the quiz was a way of further engaging whānau in Religious Education as well as ensuring the paper was being opened and read.
Several families over the years have said they enjoy spending the time together with the quiz. Others have also said they were surprised at the different things their child knew about. For example, there was a question about Laudato Si’, and when asked, the child was able to explain all about the encyclical. The children have also enjoyed finding some of the different articles that relate to our parish, or to people we know.
Each month the quiz is completed during the first week of the month. There are up to 20 questions with the majority of them being recall with the answers being found in the articles. This is so the time together is enjoyable and not stressful, and hopefully there is time to discuss some of the articles further.
This year, the quiz has also been shared each month with our other senior class, which also has Year 7 students in it. Sometimes, the quiz has been included in the parish newsletter with favourable feedback from parishioners.
Questions from the April quiz include: