WelCom November 2024
Stephanie Kitching rsm
In 1950 St Catherine’s School, Kilbirnie, which had been on the site in one form or another since 1918, was officially recognised by the government as a registered High School. Next year, 2025, over Labour Weekend, 24–26 October, the college will be celebrating its 75th Jubilee.
Since 1950 approximately 5000 students and many staff have entered its doors, establishing life-long connections.
The Jubilee weekend will have functions on the Friday night, on Saturday from morning until mid-afternoon, and on Sunday morning into lunch time. The college hall, classrooms and grounds will be buzzing and alive with people renewing acquaintances.
Former students and staff are invited to send their name and email address to sccjubilee2025@gmail.com to ensure they receive information about our exciting weekend of reconnecting, remembering and fun. The college songs, photographs and memories will be there in abundance!
Please do come and add to the joy – and even have your photo taken with former school mates if that is your wish.
We look forward to meeting you on our Mercy site on the hill, Labour Weekend, 24–26 October 2025.