WelCom December 2019
Anne Phibbs csb

Sr Helena Fouhy csb, who turned 96 on November 23, has celebrated 75 years of professed life as a Brigidine Sister this year. On September 8, following a Mass at St Brigid’s Church, Pahiatua, around 100 of Sr Helena’s family and friends joined the Brigidine Sisters for a celebratory lunch.
Sr Helena spoke about important events in her life and was thanked for all she has done for students in the many schools where she has taught and for the many music pupils she has tutored. The majority of Sr Helena’s teaching has taken place in the Wellington Archdiocese – in Masterton, Carterton, Johnsonville, Titahi Bay and Porirua and she had two years in Cowra, New South Wales. Sr Helena now lives in Palmerston North.