WelCom June 2020:
Abraham Suryantyo, Bible Society NZ

A year ago, Bible Society New Zealand – Ngā Ringa Hāpai i te Paipera Tapu ki Aotearoa, began working with the Police Christian Support Network (PCSN) to create a Bible especially for New Zealand Police.
Although the Bible is already a familiar part of police life, this is the first time there has been a dedicated Bible for Police. Its relevant content will mean many police officers – Christian and non-Christian – will be able to relate to it as belonging more personally to their world. Jonathan McKenzie, co-chairperson of the PCSN said, ‘The Bible is more precious than gold and to be trusted as the final Word on all things. Having a Bible that is unique to Police will be like a homing beacon to invite Police staff to open the pages to a book that is personalised to them.’
Bible Society NZ is excited to announce that this special-edition Bible has now been completed and includes many additional features, such as a message from the Governor General, Dame Patsy Reddy, and the Constable’s Oath. It comes in the New Living Translation with a ‘beautiful red, blue and black cover’.
At Bible Society, we appreciate the good work the New Zealand Police have done and continue to do. During the coronavirus pandemic they have been working on the frontline of our communities and encounter challenging situations every day. We hope this special edition Bible will be a great blessing to the brave men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe. If you would like to be a part of bringing Bibles to members of the New Zealand Police, please visit: www.biblesociety.org.nz/bible-for-police

Images: Supplied