WelCom December 2022
Rooms 6, 7 and 8 at St Brendan’s School, Heretaunga, Upper Hutt, have been demonstrating their faith in action. The students have been learning about the Catholic social teaching principle of Solidarity, recognising others as our brothers and sisters and actively working for their good. Teachers and students organised a second-hand toy and book sale with funds going to the Upper Hutt Foodbank. They raised $110 and spent the money to buy non-perishable foods.
Three students from each of the classrooms, travelled with year 2–3 teacher Mrs Chris Pullan to the Upper Hutt Foodbank and delivered the food. Mrs Pullan said, ‘We received a letter from the Foodbank sharing how thankful they were and how the food would help families in our local community. The students really enjoyed the experience and displaying our school values, in particular being compassionate and having learnt about being active in their Catholic Faith.’