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‘Significant changes’ needed to Tomorrow’s School’s discussion document

WelCom March 2019:

The Ministry of Education published a report last November written by Tomorrows School’s Independent Taskforce, entitled: Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together – Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini. The Taskforce, appointed by Ministry of Education Hon Chris Hipkins in April 2018, was charged with undertaking the biggest review in 30 years of the way our schools are governed, managed and administered, so that ‘our schooling system will to be able to respond to the education needs of the future, and provide a high-quality public education system that brings out the very best in all New Zealanders.’

Catholic education leader and former CEO of the NZ Catholic Education Office, Sir Brother Patrick Lynch, KNZM, QSO, discusses the document.

“Our Schooling Futures Stronger Together

Sir Brother Patrick Lynch, KNZM, QSO.

The discussion document released early in December on the future shape of compulsory education in New Zealand purports to reinvent the governance structures of the nation’s schooling system in favour of setting up of a system of ‘Hubs’, whose role would be to oversee the new structure with approximately one hub per 125 schools.

In 1989, New Zealand led the world by being bold when it set up the self-managing model of administration for its schools. There certainly has been a need for a review of what is now referred to as the ‘Tomorrow’s Schools’ model. However, the recent Task Force document succeeds in throwing out the baby and the bathwater, given the proposals it has made. Not too many people would agree that no changes should be made, yet the Task Force, seems to have forgotten or overlooked some fundamental aspects of today’s New Zealand society.

These are

“If we do not remember our history, we will be condemned to repeat it.”

Some suggestions that would make a positive difference to the present system

“Young New Zealanders deserve better than a proposed leap backwards”

Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together ‒ Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini: Report by the Tomorrow’s Schools Independent Taskforce.

The discussion document is online at:

Taskforce-led consultation meetings will take place in February and March 2019. Information is online at:

Consultation closes on 7 April 2019.

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