WelCom October 2019:

Caritas will be presenting its sixth State of the Environment for Oceania Report at official launches in Auckland on 3 October and in Wellington on 4 October – the Feast of St Francis of Assisi.
Called Seeds of Hope: Caritas State of the Environment for Oceania Report 2019, the report provides a human face to the environmental challenges of our day in the Pacific, Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia, and promotes action to protect our common home in Oceania.
Since 2014, Caritas has followed and documented impacts and responses to environmental changes faced by partners and associates around Oceania. Each report tracks how five key issues are impacting people in the region: coastal erosion/sea level rise; food and water; extreme weather; offshore mining and drilling; and climate finance.
This year’s report comes in the wake of the September global wave of solidarity in climate strikes and marches. During August and September, Catholics have joined many others in praying, walking and acting for extreme climate action in the face of the climate emergency of our times.
While the term ‘climate emergency’ has become mainstream this year, many in the Pacific have been living a climate emergency for decades.
Contributions have come from Caritas agencies in Tonga, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Australia, and Caritas partners and associates from many other Pacific countries.
Seeds of Hope and related stories and videos will be available online at www.caritas.org.nz following the official launch.
Relationship of Trust – A Firm Foundation for Pacific Aid Policy
Calls for all to take responsibility for planet wellbeing