Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Safeguarding formation day

WelCom May 2023

Thursday 3 August 2023, 9.30am–4.30pm, St Mary of the Angels Parish Hall, Boulcott St, Wellington Central. 

This is an opportunity to learn about safeguarding in the Catholic Church. Safeguarding is about promoting an environment of relational safety, which respects the dignity of each person, focused on the protection of children and vulnerable adults from abuse or harm.

This formation day is an introduction to the Te Kupenga Course: Safeguarding in the Catholic Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. Pamela Arthurs of the National Office for Professional Standards will be the facilitator. Enrolment in the SCCANZ course is a pre-requisite for this day. More information will be sent to parishes in the coming weeks. Contact Sr Catherine Jones smsm, Safeguarding Adviser, Archdiocese of Wellington, or 021 195 8307 for further information.

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