WelCom February/March 2025
Michael Humble
All parishes need dedicated volunteers and Sacred Heart Cathedral is no exception! The cathedral re-opened in June 2024 after being closed for six years for earthquake strengthening. Just before Christmas, the Blessed Sacrament Chapel was re-opened and now we await the building of a new lobby to the foyer.
We invite parishioners from around the Archdiocese to join our Guardians’ group. The Cathedral is open weekdays from 10am to 1pm. Each day, members of the team open the complex at 10am. The priority is to prepare the chapel for the 12.10pm Mass, Tuesdays to Fridays, or the 12.10pm Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion service on Mondays. The Guardians are then able to welcome visitors, show them round the Cathedral and share her history.
We need more people to join the team to keep our beautiful Cathedral open from 1pm to 3pm on weekdays. We would also like to open on Saturday mornings following Mass – especially for cruise ships during their season.
As an added incentive, we have a modern and well-appointed kitchen in the cathedral foyer and our own locked Guardians’ cupboard! Please contact the Cathedral Parish Office if you are interested in joining us. The office is open 10am–4.30pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Email: cathedral.parish@wn.catholic.org.nz or ph: (04) 496-1700.