WelCom May 2021
19 January 1949–20 April 2021

It has been with sadness we learned of the passing of Rīhari (Richard) Tiki te Aroha Puanaki of Wairoa, who died on Tuesday, 20 April 2021.
Known and loved by many people across Aotearoa and the world, Rīhari gave so much to his whānau, communities and Kaupapa and touched many lives. He was a generous teacher and composer, with a great love of Mary.
Cardinal John said on his Facebook page, Rīhari, of Ngāti Kahungunu, wrote many waiata, hymns and liturgical settings, including the well-known and widely sung Ka waiata ki a Maria – I sing to Mary. ‘He was so generous in sharing his many gifts with the Catholic community. We celebrate his life and mourn with all his whānau gathering at Wairoa for his tangi. We will remember him every time we sing his songs.’
Richard was taken to Tawhiti-a-Maru marae to lie in St Theresa’s Church. His Requiem Mass was held at St Peter’s Church, Wairoa on Friday 23 April. He is buried in the Wairoa cemetery together with his sister, Aia.
E te iwi whakapono, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou.
WelCom will present a feature tribute to Richard in our June/July edition.
Ka Waiata sung by St Joseph’s Māori Girls’ College can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/C9xgarMPzSg