WelCom September 2019:

Br Matthew from the monastic community in Taizé will lead the Taizé in Aotearoa retreat, at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion, Island Bay, 15 to 17 November.
The Sisters at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion in Wellington invite pilgrims from around the country to a weekend retreat of Taizé prayer and worship. Br Matthew from the Taizé community in France will lead the retreat, Taizé in Aotearoa, from 15 to 17 November 2019.
The theme is Remembering Hospitality – manaakitanga – based on Hebrews 13:2, ‘Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it.’
Congregational leader Sr Margaret Anne Mills dolc says, ‘We extend our invite to young and old to celebrate with us 30 years of Taizé prayer at the Home of Compassion.’
Following a group biblical reflection on the Saturday morning, workshops will explore how all belong to God – the source of all hospitality and friendship.
In forming a prayerful community, we learn to welcome ourselves wholeheartedly and have the means to respond generously to others.
Based at the village of Taizé, near the Swiss border, the Taizé community is an ecumenical monastic order devoted to peace and justice.
Founded in 1940 by Roger Louis Schutz-Marsauche, known as ‘Br Roger’, tens of thousands of mainly young pilgrims continue to flock to the village.
Candle-lit prayer services with simple songs based on lines of scripture in various languages are features of gatherings at Taizé and worldwide.
The Taizé aspects of joy, simplicity and reconciliation reflect the kaupapa of the Home of Compassion and the life of the Sisters’ founder, Suzanne Aubert, who loved ‘people of all creeds and none’.
As well as celebrating 30 years of Taizé prayer at the Home of Compassion at Island Bay, the community hopes the November retreat will introduce a new generation to the beauty of Taizé prayer.
Taizé in Aotearoa is open to ‘people of all creeds and none’. Please email spirituaity@compassion.org.nz to register.