WelCom June/July 2024
“14 July 2024 is Sea Sunday in the Church’s liturgical calendar when we are encouraged to pray for seafarers and fishers and give thanks for their vital role in our lives.”
Sarah Dench, Secretary, Stella Maris Wellington
Working at sea remains a dangerous profession, and it’s a lonely one for many men and women who are on board vessels for months at a time, sometimes unable to contact family until they come into a port.
Stella Maris is an international Catholic volunteer organisation dedicated to providing pastoral care for seafarers visiting foreign ports. In Wellington, a small band of volunteers visits ships berthing at Centreport. They offer care packages including chocolates and phone SIM cards, sometimes conduct money exchanges, and, if the crew have time, talk with them about their issues and welfare needs. We are always concerned about crew relationships, especially where there are officers and able seamen employed from countries in conflict, for example, Russia and Ukraine. Our experience is that people living in close quarters get along well and care about each other, no matter what is happening in their home countries. They worry about family left behind in war zones and value the chance to talk about what is occuring.
Members of Stella Maris Wellington collaborate well with Mission to Seafarers Wellington and British Sailors’ Society. Recently, Stella Maris members joined with a Mission to Seafarers’ chaplain, Mary-Therese Nalder, to visit the Filipino crew of a vessel, which had experienced the death of a stevedore working on board. Fr Rico, a Wellington priest, said a Requiem Mass for the man, and blessed the crew and vessel. The crew were very grateful for the support of the visitors and for the celebration of Mass.
The Stella Maris team also assist in welcoming visitors at the Seafarer’s Welfare Centre based at Centreport in a beautifully refurbished portacabin with refreshment facilities, comfortable seating, free wi-fi, books to take away, and a television and gaming consoles. Stella Maris receives support from groups such as Catholic Women’s League members knitting beanies for distribution.
Sea Sunday is on 14 July 2024 in the Church’s liturgical calendar when we are encouraged to pray for seafarers and fishers and give thanks for their vital role in our lives. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Kelly Ross, Chairperson, Stella Maris Wellington at kellyannross9@gmail.com.