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Book: High Wire

Michael Fitzsimons

WelCom February/March 2025

rom regular WelCom contributer Michael Fitzsimons, has been published by Wellington publisher Cuba Press. It is his third book of poetry.

His second book, Michael, I thought you were dead, dealt with a cancer diagnosis and was described by Joy Cowley as ‘a feast for the soul’. Gregory O’Brien said of this book: ‘It is hard to imagine a book of poems more infused with living, with seasonal growth, with the wairua and spirit of being alive.’

Poetry is a way of seeing the world, says Michael. Jotting down words, phrases, impressions and images from a day has been the habit of a lifetime, he says.

‘For me, poetry is a way of thinking about what it is to be alive in this world. It’s usually a case of being struck by an experience or a feeling, and digging around for the magic that is there. Time passing makes these moments extraordinary and poignant.’

The habit of poetry-writing has a lot to do with gratitude, says Michael.

‘It’s so easy to take our days for granted. I read somewhere that the worst thing about life was waking up and finding it almost gone.

‘Poetry is a way of staying awake! If you can bring attention to the moment, everything is a gift, even the hard stuff. Joy and suffering are the two paths to God, the great spiritual teachers.

‘I hope gratitude comes through in this latest collection. Surviving a cancer diagnosis gives you a special reason to be grateful. It makes you acutely aware of the fragility of life. Ordinary things are suddenly brilliant things.’

Michael is a former editor of Zealandia Catholic Newspaper and for many years was a director of the Wellington communications and publishing company FitzBeck Creative.

High Wire is available from Unity Books and all good bookshops, and online from Cuba Press The cost is $25.5.

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