Site icon Archdiocese of Wellington

Parish celebrates Lay Pastoral Leader’s long service

Barbara Rowley, centre, at Mass celebrating her long years of service as Lay Pastoral Leader. Photo: Chris Newton

WelCom February/March 2025

Chris Newton

People from Te Awakairangi Parish and beyond gathered for a special Mass at St Bernadette’s Church in Naenae, on Sunday 9 February, to celebrate Barbara Rowley’s 18-plus years of service as their Lay Pastoral Leader. 

Barbara’s appreciation for people’s cultural diversity and wisdom was evident in the multicultural liturgy St Bernadette’s Liturgy committee had prepared. Hymns were sung in Samoan, Tagalog, Tokelauan and English with the recessional hymn ‘Our Lady of Knock – Queen of Ireland’ a Marian hymn, bringing tears to Irish eyes. 

St Bernadette’s youth group and school students led the prayers of the faithful in eight different languages, as well as the offertory procession. Parish priest Fr Raja, supported by Frs Sunil and Viator, led the liturgy. 

Mass was followed by morning tea in the church hall, organised by Naenae Vinnies and Divine Mercy Groups, and kōrero with Barbara and other friends. Members of Filipino, Tokelauan, Sundanese, Youth, Samoan and Divine Mercy groups presented items to Barbara and her husband Kevin. Several people acknowledged how they valued Barbara’s amazing support and encouragement to them as new immigrants to New Zealand.

Mary-Ann Greaney, Sr Regina, and Phil Adamczyk, Parish Pastoral Council Chair, spoke and letters from Fr Alfred Tong, Fr Patrick Bridgman, and Cardinal John Dew were read. 

They clearly recognised Barbara’s special gifts with their words: ‘a woman of prayer; unwavering commitment; humble and astute intuition for engaging the gifts of parishioners by empowering people through collaborative leadership; her ability to see God in the ordinary; everyday life and her ability to not only have hope but to give hope to the People of God she served.’ 

Barbara thanked everyone for the Liturgy. She spoke about the unknown journey she began many years ago as one of the pioneers of the Launch Out Programme for Lay Pastoral Leadership in the archdiocese, and acknowledged those who had supported and mentored her, particularly Cardinal Tom Williams and Fr Pat Greally. She said she felt the time was right to step back from her LPL role as the community was strong and ‘we should all hold hope for the future’. 

Picking up the microphone she announced, ‘this is the best day of my life’.

Every blessing for the future to you Barbara, Kevin and family. 

Chris Newton is a member of the PPC of Te Awakairangi.

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