WelCom September 2022

Our Lady of Kāpiti Church complex was completed in August when the ‘Risen Jesus’ stained-glass window in the chapel was blessed by Fr Michael McCabe, the previous parish priest.
The original concept for the window came from artist and parishioner, Johannes Sijbrant. It was completed by Olaf Wehr-Candler at Pukerua Glass Studio and Rachel Pfeffer of Totaranui Glass Studio.
In the window Jesus is wearing traditional robes, including the small prayer beads at the hem, and has the stigmata marks on his hands. Fr McCabe said the window was like an icon in that it comes to a point in our hearts. He thanked everyone who had contributed to the window, in particular the late Keith and Nola Banks who were the major donors and in whose memory the window is dedicated.
Fr Michael read the gospel passage from John 20:11-17 in which Mary Magdalene encountered Jesus after he had risen. This gospel passage had been the inspiration for the design. It is our prayer, he said, that anyone who came here to this silent, sacred space in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament would be inspired by the window to hear Jesus say, as he did to Mary Magdalene, ‘who are you looking for?’ Because Mary Magdalene is the first witness to the risen Lord, Pope Francis has called her ‘the apostle to the apostles’.
The risen Lord calls us all by name. Can you hear Him?