WelCom November 2021
“The poor will always be with us, yet that should not make us indifferent, but summon us instead to a mutual sharing of life.” – Pope Francis, Message for the World Day of the Poor 2021
Lisa Beech

The Fifth World Day of the Poor will be observed on 14 November 2021. This year’s theme ‘Open the Doors of My Heart’ is a summons to responsibility and commitment as men and women who are part of our one human family, as we can read in Pope Francis’ message, online at: tinyurl.com/World-Day-Of-Poor-2021
In place of an international gathering in France, the Archdiocese of Wellington had been asked to be one of 50 featured dioceses around the world holding local gatherings to facilitate encounter and dialogue with people on the peripheries.
In Wellington – in place of planned Archdiocesan World Day of the Poor 2021 working bees – an online gathering on Sunday 14 November will share experiences in the Archdiocesan Benefit Impacts.
Wellington Catholic Social Services and the Archdiocesan Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission had been planning working bees in two communities. However, these have been postponed. They will be held when it is safe to do so, regardless of the date.
In their place, this year the Archdiocese will host a webinar on the Fifth World Day of the Poor. This will focus on experiences and perspectives from recent Archdiocesan Benefit Impacts. There will be short presentations from organisers of the Benefit Impacts, and an opportunity to chat directly in breakout rooms with community advocates who took part.
At Benefit Impacts, beneficiaries are invited to check benefit entitlements with locally trained community advocates, who then accompany them to Work and Income offices. Archdiocesan Benefit Impacts have been held at Upper Hutt in 2016, Lower Hutt in 2016, Kāpiti in 2019, and in
2021 three Benefit Impacts were held at Levin, Ōtaki and with the Deaf community.
There is no cost to attend, but registration is required to help with planning.
When: Sunday 14 November, 2pm–3pm
Where: Online webinar
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dXbxnC9tSYCK4jltVGXaxA or contact Lisa Beech l.beech@wn.catholic.org.nz to have the link sent to you.
All are welcome.