WelCom March 2022

Elizabeth Julian rsm
March 25, the feast of the Annunciation, the feast of Mary’s saying ‘yes’ to God requires a response from us. Like Mary we are called to bring Christ to birth wherever we are. Really? Yes, really. So keep your eyes and ears out for an angel to tell you where and when. It could be as soon as you look up from reading these words, or when you’re at work, doing the washing, cooking dinner, in the garden, out for walk, or in the supermarket. Don’t worry, the angel will recognise you behind whatever mask you’re wearing. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and take a moment to listen to the angel repeatedly reassuring you that you need not be afraid. Hear the angel remind you God is with you and that nothing is impossible for God. Pause for a moment, say ‘yes,’ wait for the angel to go and then get on with your birthing experience. You may need to call a midwife.