WelCom December 2024/January 2025
Kevin Plant, Archdiocese Safeguarding Coordinator
While I am out and about visiting parishes and delivering safeguarding workshops, I’m struck by the passion and commitment of our many volunteers in support of this work. Volunteers have been, and continue to be, the backbone of our Church. Their selfless commitment is an inspiration.
I find question time during the workshops to be a source of both information and knowledge where attendees share experiences, not only of safeguarding but of life.
At a recent safeguarding workshop, at Our Lady of Kāpiti Parish in Paraparaumu, we were challenged to be ‘Watchful, Alert, Courageous’, under the umbrella of Christianity.
On looking at each of these words in a safeguarding context, they take on profound meanings and challenges for us, which I would like to share with you.
Let’s take this challenge on board and, as we head towards Christmas, ensure no one misses out on the joys of this special season.
Blessings to you and yours.
Being aware of our surroundings and those within them.
Having our antenna out to ensure everyone we are connecting with is feeling comfortable, accepted and acknowledged.
Ensuring no one is being left on the periphery or being left behind.
Are people within our orbit being treated with dignity and respect?
Is the language being used around us appropriate and able to be understood by all?
Are our practices inclusive and reaching out to others?
When we see things happening we don’t think are ‘quite right’ do we feel empowered to speak up?
Are we ready to stand up and advocate for those who haven’t the ‘words’ to express themselves?
Do we understand that as a Christian it is our duty and responsibility to keep everyone safe no matter what?