WelCom August 2019:
“He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.” Luke 9:2
This year’s theme is ‘Who are our Vulnerable?: The call to Compassion’. Go to NZFCNZ website: www.faithcommunitynursing.nz/latest-news/2019-conference for details including speaker bios. Speakers include Kathy Glasgow: Office of Chief Nurse, Principal Advisor – Nursing; Hanny Naus: Educator Elder Abuse and Neglect, Age Concern; Patricia Cooper: Anglican Diocese Refugee Resettlement Coordinator; Judith Wigglesworth: Retreat Leader.
The registration form is also on the NZFCNZ website.
Contact Shirley Allan National Administrator, NZFCNA, on email: admin@faithcommunitynursing.nz for more information.