Christina Reymer
4 April 2008
The New Zealand agency Mahitahi Catholic Overseas Volunteers, sent three volunteers, Dr Alice Guidera (pictured left with staff at Nila), Alex McDonald (civil engineer), and Simon Allison (builder), in October–November 2007 to assist in the Shortland Is, Western Province of the Solomon Islands, with post-tsunami and earthquake reconstruction and rehabilitation.
The volunteers’ arrival in Gizo coincided with the ordination of the new Bishop of Gizo, Bishop Luciano Capelli OP escorted by Mahitahi Director Christina
The volunteers wasted no time in getting to know the
Nila Clinic, where Dr Alice was based, had not seen a doctor for years. The guys not only helped with building a storage shed for Caritas, but were able to offer invaluable advice on other buildings and infrastructure in the region.
Pictures: top right: Alex, Alice, Simon, Christina and Bishop Luciano.
Above left: Alex with co-workers at Nila, building a storage shed for Caritas.
Right: Simon with new friends at Nila.