WelCom, September 2024
Kevin Dobbyn fms
As the next meeting on synodality happens at the global level we need to do our best to ensure that those who spent time on prayer in putting forward their hopes and dreams for change.
One of the ways we are attempting to do this in the Palmerston North diocese is to give voice to the plea for continuing faith formation.
Several parishes have launched Alpha programmes, some for a second round. Yet another programme, home grown through the National Centre for Religious Studies (NCRS), has also begun – initially in Dannevirke and the Cathedral parish, which has also included Our Lady of Lourdes parish.
Several other parishes are expressing interest; helped by people keenly aware of the need for more focus and all that is life-giving.
Some remember a programme in the early eighties, also through the work of NCRS, called Walk by Faith, but as technology has developed, we now say, ‘Why walk when we can soar?’
Ngā Parirau | Wings has just launched with three small groups to start. After Alpha or other experiences of Mystery and connection, people grow curious and are keen to grow their faith and know more deeply our deep Catholic Tradition. One of its blessings is the formation of small groups. The advantage of small groups is they are the seedbed of trust. When people feel safe enough to trust, then the blossoming of faith begins where the faith of all believers takes flight in their common baptism, giving birth to a truly synodal church. Bishop John Adams remarked several weeks ago that parishes are thriving where small groups are alive and well. They become communities of mission making Jesus known and loved in which the ordinary of today’s church in the world is where real holiness is found.
Contact Kevin Dobbyn fms at kdobbyn@pndiocese.org.nz or ph 021 755 270 for more information.
Br Kevin Dobbyn is Te Ahi Kaa o Mātauranga coordinator and Te Kupenga Catholic Theological College site coordinator.