WelCom February/March 2025
On 14 February, the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) launched the renewed CathNews New Zealand project.
NZCBC recently took on the CathNews NZ name from the Society of Mary. Church Resources, a subsidiary of the Society of Mary, had run the online e-newsletter, delivered twice-weekly to subscribers’ inboxes, since 2011.
NZCBC’s new CathNews NZ will retain many of the characteristics of the former project, sharing aggregated news about the Church, its people and its ministries. It will draw from material already published and include original content. It will also explore issues of importance for New Zealand society and culture.
CathNews New Zealand editor Gavin Abraham said providing a Catholic perspective on those issues will help form and inform readers.
‘The Church, inspired by the Gospel, has an important voice in our society. Helping share that voice and amplifying it within the Catholic community and beyond will be central to our mission at CathNews,’ he said.
Content will come from a range of sources, including mainstream media, Catholic, Christian and other faith-based media, as well as original content from the Bishops Conference.
‘We are pleased to welcome thousands of subscribers, including many who had previously received CathNews,’ Mr Abraham said. ‘And we are encouraged to have hundreds of new people sign up for this ministry.’
Newsletters will be sent to subscribers each Tuesday and Friday morning, except on public holidays. The cathnewsnz.com website will be updated to coincide with the newsletter schedule.
Visit cathnewsnz.com to sign up to receive the e-newsletter.
To share content for consideration, email cathnews@nzcbc.org.nz or communications@nzcbc.org.nz with other enquiries.
Source: NZCBC