WelCom August 2023
The new youth life guide called Identity:Identified, introduced at a Young Mass in the Archdiocese in March, was also launched in Auckland at the WYD23 Pilgrims’ Commissioning Mass on 9 July.
Identity:Identified is a response to the Synod on Youth in 2018. It was developed by Bible Society of New Zealand with input from New Zealand bishops and Catholic theologians. It presents Holy Scripture to young people, designed in a way to help them discern their calling in life.
As well as hundreds of highlighted passages offering hope and encouragement, Identity:Identified has 24 four-page inserts that address the big challenges teenagers face, as identified at the synod.
There are QR codes linking to videos of individuals sharing the importance of how Scripture helps navigate life, and there is a downloadable App that links to the inserts, videos and daily readings.
Connection to the App provides some of the book for access on mobile devices with links to social media platforms. Users can connect with peers online to discuss the issues and how they are using Identity:Identified to guide them through these. The App will provide condensed summaries from the book along with regular updates.