WelCom April 2020:
Monica Devine

Photo: Supplied
After lying vacant for many years, Upper Hutt’s St Peter Chanel church building has been spruced up, re-purposed and reopened as the ‘Chanel Family Centre’. An initiative through partnering Greenstone Doors Charitable Trust and St Joseph’s Parish of Upper Hutt, this new community asset will be a beacon of hope for many families.
Opened officially on 22 February by His Excellency Peter Ryan, Irish Ambassador to New Zealand, and Fr Kevin Connors, the centre will cater for a wide range of needs within the community. Initially these will include professional counselling services, whānau support, pregnancy testing, young-mother support groups, a free baby-clothes service, playgroups and tailored parenting courses. Other services to come include men’s programmes and groups.
The atmosphere on the opening day was filled with happiness and hope. At the core of the Greenstone Doors’ kaupapa is hospitality and welcome. Guests experienced this in a real way with delicious food and hot drinks, entertainment for children and a profound sense of community mission.
The Chanel Family Centre is at the corner of Bernadette St and Fergusson Dr, Brown Owl, Upper Hutt. Opening hours are 10am-4pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Greenstone Doors – Te Tatou Pounamu Charitable Trust, is set up to facilitate information and care support for families and whānau through an independent network of counselling and support professionals.
If you wish to support Greenstone Doors Charitable Trust’s new venture by donation or volunteer hours please call (04) 566 5037, or visit www.greenstonedoors.co.nz