WelCom June/July 2021
Chris Duthie-Jung
A new programme that guides children and their families through the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist, has been launched by the Archdiocesan Family Ministry Team.
The programme is based on the understanding that parents/caregivers are a child’s ‘first educators in faith’.
Each Sacrament includes four facilitated, interactive gatherings of parents and children – simultaneous but separate – as well as joint activities for parents and children at home between sessions.
Children’s worksheets and short parent handouts, emphasising key themes, are provided. The programme includes an interactive PowerPoint presentation that offers parents an opportunity for adult-faith formation and discussion.
Our Family Ministry team are offering training sessions to equip Sacramental programme leaders with the tools necessary to run the new programme. They have already worked with several parishes that have now started using the new programme.
The next training sessions will be held at the Wellington Catholic Centre, at 7pm, Tuesday 22 and or Thursday 24 June (depending on demand). If your parish is ready for a fresh, dynamic Sacramental programme this year, please get in touch with our Family Ministry team soon. Contact Lucienne Hensel at l.hensel@wn.catholic.org.nz or ph (04) 496-1715 or 021 164 5800.
Chris Duthie-Jung is Director Church Mission, Archdiocese of Wellington.