WelCom April 2024
A new book titled On the Brink has been recently released by Wellington author, Roger Ellis.
On the Brink discusses creating conditions to foster the reconnecting of communities in an age of division says Roger Ellis. ‘Over the last three decades we have witnessed a growing centralisation of economic and political power, the erosion of communities, and growing polarisation. The book identifies the underlying causes and suggests some solutions to help local and regional communities regain their place in decision-making and participation in a renewal of flax roots democracy,’ he said at the book’s launch in Wellington in February.
‘We need to give power back to local communities and regions so that people can make decisions over matters that directly impact them. That means rediscovering shared values that have worked for us in the past – such as respect for human dignity, a sense of community, seeking the common good, and subsidiarity,’ said Mr Ellis.
The book covers a wide range of issues including climate change, technological advances, industrial democracy, economic and political reforms – all aimed at empowering individuals, families, local communities and regions.

Roger Ellis has 30 years professional experience in New Zealand government, business and community sectors having held a wide variety of management and governance roles in addition to community leadership positions. The book is based on reflections Roger’s discussions with a wide range of New Zealand and international leaders from business, government, indigenous and community groups.
On the Brink is available through Amazon bookstores in paperback and kindle e-book editions and can be ordered from www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CV5W4VLV