WelCom April 2024
The Napier branch of the St Vincent de Paul Society is committed to providing ongoing support for the people of Wairoa who are still suffering the devastating effects of Cyclone Gabrielle one year later.
Fr Karaitiangi Kingi, who lives in Wairoa, met with Fr John Craddock, the SVdP spiritual adviser in Napier, and described the hardships still being experienced by the Wairoa community. The Society visited Wairoa and determined that despite the generous funding made to date by various organisations, an incredible amount of work still needed to be financed and carried out.
Over several months the Society has assisted in a number of ways. Funds were distributed to buy Christmas hampers for 320 families. Because local businesses were badly affected by the Cyclone, hampers were purchased from these stores where possible.
Funds were allocated to help with ongoing repair and restoration, such as for digger fuel, oil and fluids, tools, building materials, vehicle repairs and maintenance. Funds were also used to meet electrician and plumbing costs and to pay for work which was not able to be carried out by volunteers. The Society assisted with the stripping of 25 homes, using silt crews to help.
‘Our Napier Area Council has been pleased to support the Wairoa community with funds towards the help they so badly need,’ says Area President Christine Tong. ‘Our ongoing involvement includes regular visits to Wairoa to view progress and assess what else may need our help.
‘Our Napier Conference has been helping others affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. We were extremely grateful for the funds from the Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal which our National Office launched last year, and for the generosity shown by so many during this extremely difficult time.’