WelCom February 2020

Whakaaturanga Mīhana 2020
“We are called to participate in the mission of the Church given to us at Baptism.” – Cardinal John Dew
The Wellington Archdiocese is dedicating 2020 as A Year of Mission. Cardinal John will launch the year’s programme at two Mission Expo days in March. The first will be at Bishop Viard College, Porirua, Saturday, 14 March, and the second at Garin College, Richmond, Saturday, 21 March, from 10am–4pm.
Mission Expo 2020 will showcase many of the missionary activities and opportunities that take place in the archdiocese. The Expo will feature a variety of workshops, display booths, cultural exchanges, food fares, games and much more.
Mission Expo 2020 booths
A number of organisations within the archdiocese regularly meet all kinds of needs, but they often ‘fly under the radar’ and their missionary work may not be widely understood or recognised. Learn more about these groups first hand at booths set up around the hall on site with people explaining what the groups do and how their activities fit the Church’s mission.
- New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Interfaith Relations
- Apostleship of the Sea
- New Zealand Catholic Education Office
- Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
- Marriage Tribunal of the Catholic Church
- Te Kupenga-Catholic Leadership Institute
- Catholic Women’s League
- Greenstone Doors
- Marist Laity
- Columban Missionary Society
- Life Teen
- Divine Mercy
- Passionist Family Group
- Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary
- Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
- Catholic Enquiry Centre
- Focolare
- St Vincent de Paul Society
- Pontifical Missions
- Couples for Christ
- Vocations
- Alpha Catholic Course, Stewardship

A variety of workshops have been designed to help people learn more about missionary and pastoral work in the archdiocese, such as prison and hospital chaplaincy, and parish ministries, including:
- Māori mission, tikanga, Miha
- Parish pastoral councils
- Upper Hutt Housing Trust
- Mission in a multi-cultural parish
- Insights into RCIA; art and theology; how to create relevant, challenging and youth-friendly liturgies
- Creating pastoral care teams
Exploring spirituality
The Church has a long-standing tradition of offering support and a listening ear for people exploring their spiritual journey.
To help consider what is happening in your life and how to grow your spiritual journey, you will be welcomed to a time ‘for you’, and helped to explore your journey and hear ‘God’s whispers’ in your life.
Phone Chris Walkerdine on (04) 496-1706 before 28 February, to make a time for a session with a spiritual director.

Food fare
People from a range cultures including Samoan, Indian and Filipino, will be showcasing and selling food for all tastes. At Garin College there will be a café in the school staffroom.
Free last will and testament
You have been a good steward of the many gifts and blessings God has bestowed on you, and you want to make clear how the assets you have accumulated during your lifetime should one day be distributed. You may also want to ensure the distribution of these assets reflect your core values by supporting the people you love and the causes you care about. Catholic lawyers from the archdiocese will be on-site, giving their time and talents to ensure your last wishes are defined and that your will is written. To make an appointment, phone Jean Sloan on (04) 496-1778 before 28 February.

Young people
There will be a range of fun and learning activities, such as how to build an insect hotel, or a bird feeder or box to take home, plus drama, music and performance, sports competitions, and prayer and praise in the chapel.
Sharing a ‘human library’
‘Human library’ events are about storytelling and conversations between real people. A visitor to a human library can choose a ‘book’ from a range of titles. The books are real people and reading involves active listening and talking. Catholic Social Services will offer a human library to tell the stories of the people, the communities and the projects that are our ministry. Come and korero about the Refugee Resettlement Project, Parish Benefit Impact, Seasons for Growth programme, social work, chaplaincy and the development of our community facilitation role, moving out across the archdiocese to help and support parish projects.

Various cultural groups as well as priests, semitarians and people from our schools and parishes will perform singing, dancing and kapahaka.
Door prizes
Be sure to register your name and contact details on arrival at Mission Expo 2020 to be in the draw to win prizes.
More information will be added to the archdiocese website in the lead up to Mission Expo 2020: www.wn.catholic.org.nz
For more details please contact Mary-Ann Greaney, Director Parish Leadership Ministry, Catholic Centre, Wellington
email: m.greaney@wn.catholic.org.nz