WelCom April 2017:
Diocesan News
Bob Houston
Our Lady of Kāpiti Parish’s raft of fundraising activities to support the building of its new school and church in Paraparaumu and to assist people in need in the community, sees parishioners and friends hard at work organising and attending regular events that involve hundreds of participants and outstanding generosity of many in the community.
The inaugural Newstalk ZB Justin du Fresne Memorial Debate and dinner, held at Marist St Pat’s Rugby Clubrooms on Friday 24 February, had a twofold purpose – to enhance the memory of our dear friend Justin and to fundraise towards our new Our Lady of Kāpiti Parish church complex.
The evening was a massive success with 200 people entertained by six hilariously funny, talented debaters arguing imaginatively about whether or not ‘Cricket was a game invented by God to teach the English the meaning of the word eternity’.
When Judge Sir David Carruthers declared the winner, nobody really cared as the event had been so entertaining.
The next event on 30 June, at Our Lady of Kāpiti School Hall, is a dinner, entertainment and auction, with ‘Secrets from the Front Row’, featuring Loose Head Len and Graham Purvis. Contact bobhouston@xtra.co.nz with any enquiries.