May, Month of Mary

  Catholic Women’s League of Aotearoa New Zealand Kathleen Blackburn Catholic Women’s League Aotearoa New Zealand (CWLANZ) members are often referred to as ‘cup of tea ladies’. Yes, we do…


Catholic Women’s League of Aotearoa New Zealand

Kathleen Blackburn

Catholic Women’s League Aotearoa New Zealand (CWLANZ) members are often referred to as ‘cup of tea ladies’. Yes, we do make a great cup of tea! We are also creative bakers, knitters and sewers. But we do much more.

We have branches in each of the dioceses where we pray and reflect together. We have a deep devotion to Mary. We support people in need in the Pacific Islands and at home. We have a voice nationally and internationally in affairs affecting women, through our membership in the New Zealand National Council of Women (NCW) and the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO).

Dig a little deeper and you will discover a group of strong, intelligent women active in their church and community, informing themselves on social issues affecting women in Aotearoa New Zealand today. Child poverty, youth suicide, euthanasia, abortion, human trafficking and gender equality to name just a few.

While our age profile may be older than it used to be, we are as we are now and we need to be open to what is being asked of us by our Church and community.

Our motto of ‘Faith and Service’ gives us much to live up to but we live it every day by bringing life, energy and voice into our communities. Pope Francis has invited us to ‘Light a fire in the heart of the world’. And as St Catherine of Siena said, ‘If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire’.

This is what we ask of our CWLANZ members. You are welcome to join us on this exciting journey! Visit our website at for more information.

Kathleen Blackburn is CWLANZ National President.