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Māori Pastoral Care Appeal

WelCom August 2017:

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is the people, the people, the people
Mō te tika, mō te pono, mō te aroha – For justice, truth and love

Rangimoeroa Waikari-Panapa

Ngā Pakeke: Marguerite Osborne, Tuki and Pauline Takiwa. Photo: Annette Scullion

The 2017 Māori Pastoral Care Appeal for parishes and communities in the Archdiocese of Wellington takes place on Sunday, 27 August. Collection for the Appeal also takes place at Vigil Masses on Saturday, 26 August.

Māori Pastoral Care provides advice and support for Māori and faith communities, that is, the Church whānau/family of the Archdiocese.

In recent years this ministry has included:

Earlier this year, Pope Francis – Pāpā Werahiko – tweeted:

‘We are called to live not as one without others, above or against others, but with and for others.’

Francis’ tweet conveys the connectedness between all people; it conveys equality; it conveys the call to community and service. It conveys the message of whānau.

Again in a video conference, Pāpā Werahiko said:

‘Everything is connected and each and everyone’s existence is deeply tied to that of others… Who is my neighbour? Who should I take care of? We can only build the future by standing together, by including everyone.’

Your contribution and prayers will enable us to achieve our mission for the Archdiocese today, tomorrow and into the future.

Mā te Atua tātou katoa e manaaki – May God keep us all in His care.

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