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Maori chaplaincy appeal 2011

Nikki Phillips
10 August 2011

Not just an appeal for money but also for guitars, wool, material, sewers, teachers, kaumatua for schools, time and talents.

On Sunday August 28, the Māori Chaplaincy Appeal will take place in parishes.

The chaplaincy helps Maori communities with Masses and the sacraments. We are looking for a small altar, some vestments and altar cloths as well as guitars to animate these celebrations.

This year will be different from previous years in that we are asking for donations of money, as well as for guitars, wool, bibles, kapa haka uniforms, korowai, school and sports uniforms for needy families, or lengths of material, time and talent – sewing, teaching kapa haka, making poi, teaching waiata and we also need a waka ama teacher.

Some people may have leftover wool or a spare guitar lying around or some free time to teach waiata or to do some voluntary work for the chaplaincy in whatever area their talents lie or maybe to help collect in parishes on the appeal day.

We welcome donations in whatever form on the appeal day and any day of the year. Larger donations (ie guitars/uniforms etc) can be collected or delivered to the Tūranga Māori Office in the Wellington Catholic Centre.

Donations will be used for a youth programme, adult faith formation, kapa haka in schools, getting bibles into homes, helping prison ministries, visiting the sick and helping Māori Catholic communities run sacramental programmes.

The money will also be used to promote the use of te reo and tikanga Māori in Catholic Schools and parishes for the benefit of all Catholics. Please contact Nikki Phillips or 04 496 5184. Mauri Ora!

Above: At Kawiu Marae in Levin, Shanaia Lomax, Tanua Rose, Fr Barry O’Connor sm, Maria Lomax, Teagan Lomax on the occasion of Fr Barry’s last Mass for the chaplaincy before his retirement.

Above right: Maria Gerbes and her mother Meri Rowe from St Joseph’s Parish in Upper Hutt.

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